C-SUITE: Tiffany Tyler, president and CEO of Communities in Schools of Nevada

Q: What are you reading?

A: As a person of faith-committed growing, I’m usually reading my bible and at least one book to help me grow professionally or personally. Currently, I’m reading two books: Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly” and Lisa Delpit’s “Other People’s Children.” “Daring Greatly” was a gift from a professional mentor, who thought I could benefit from seeing the connection between leadership and vulnerability. As a leader, fostering an organizational culture characterized by accountability and transparency requires a certain level of intentionality that must be balanced with authenticity. I’m reading “Other People’s Children” as a way of examining the intersection of culture, poverty and education. Leading the largest dropout-prevention organization in Nevada, I am frequently confronted with issues like education equity and funding adequacy. I am finding it impossible to address these issues without understanding how culture and poverty impact education.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant? Where do you take clients to dinner?

A: As a foodie, I have a list of favorites. A list that includes Echo & Rig for great steaks and cocktails, Nora’s Wine Bar and its phenomenal crazy alfredo and chicken thighs and TC’s Rib Crib when I’m in the mood for comfort food. While I usually defer to the client’s request, I’m a frequent flyer for business meetings at Honey Salt, Triple George and Paymon’s.

Q: Where do you workout or play your favorite sport?

A: While I’m not the most fit, I make time for after-dinner walks in my community, hiking in Red Rock Canyon (National Conservation Area) and visits to Mount Charleston.

Q: How do you decompress after a hard week?

A: No matter how difficult the week, I always feel better after preparing a great meal with my beaux!

Q: What is the biggest challenge facing Las Vegas in the next five years?

A: Our biggest challenge is responding to the growth that has ensued and the demands it places on each of our systems, particularly the education, health care, mental health and workforce development systems. I believe we are facing another period of unprecedented growth. As we learned in the wake of the recession, growth without attention to capacity, building and infrastructure can result in a number of social issues. Issues that place the work of organizations like Communities in Schools of Nevada at the fore of intervention.

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