These are upcoming online business events:
• Fresh off the election, The Henderson Chamber of Commerce will host the inaugural Leading Nevada Forward 2020 Policy Summit on Nov. 20- December 4. The five-day virtual summit event invites the business community to hear first hand from local- county- and state-elected officials, and gain insight on topics ranging from the city of Henderson’s COVID-19 response and 2021 budget to how the county is helping businesses reopen throughout the pandemic. Additionally, state and federal representatives will address hot-button issues resulting from the elections including new economic development plans, taxation, what to expect from the 2021 legislative session, funding shortfalls, lands bills and access to capital and aid for small businesses.
Each day, beginning at 9 a.m. the program will feature a different speaker as well as offer audiences the opportunity to engage with presenters and ask critical questions. The first day will kick off with a business roundtable with industry heavy-hitters and leaders from the health care, gaming and real estate industries.
“As we move forward, the pandemic and elections — no matter the outcome — will continue to shape and impact the business community and our local economy through 2021 and beyond,” said Scott Muelrath, president and CEO of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce. “Businesses large and small in Southern Nevada all share similar concerns and optimism yet desire to know what’s next for 2021 and how to navigate this new environment. The Policy Summit offers a unique opportunity for the business community to have a direct and honest exchange with lawmakers about issues that will impact them.”
The summit will also feature keynote speaker D.J. Allen, co-founder and president of The Xs & Os of Success. Sponsors include Snell & Wilmer Law Offices, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, NV Energy, PORTER, Southwest Gas, Switch, H1 Law Group and PRISM Global Management Group.
Registration is $50 for members/$75 for non-members. For more information on the Henderson Chamber of Commerce or to register for the Leading Nevada Forward 2020 Policy Summit, visit www.hendersonchamber.com.
• Join IREM 99 Las Vegas on Nov. 18 at 11:30 a.m. for the virtual Officer Installation and Awards Ceremony! IREM is the only professional real estate management association serving both the multifamily and commercial real estate sectors, with 80 U.S. chapters, eight international chapters and several other partnerships around the globe. Register here. For more information visit, lasvegasirem.org
• Southern Nevada CCIM’s is hosting its November Virtual Luncheon — “Real Estate Investment Outlook” on Nov. 12 at noon, featuring: Dr. Peter Linneman, founding principal of Linneman Associates. Register here. Luncheon Sponsor is Commercial Alliance. All are welcome to attend.
• The Better Business Bureau of Southern Nevada is hosting an ongoing virtual food drive for nonprofit, Serving our Kids Foundation. There is a critical need for $20 crisis packs, especially for kids during the holiday break. Click here to donate. Each weekend, Serving Our Kids feeds 3,500 kids in 70 schools who would otherwise go hungry. These kids do not receive weekend food bags from any backpack program or other governmental programs, but still face empty plates on the weekends.
Additionally, the charity, Serving our Kids Foundation, is hosting a drive-thru food drive at Liberty, Lock & Security on Saturday at Fort Apache Commons (Charleston and Rampart boulevards) from 9 11 a.m. For more information, visit www.servingourkids.org.
• The Department of political science will present its third fall 2020 webinar, “Second Tuesdays with Political Science.” Informed panelists within the College of Liberal Arts will provide perspective on the momentous events of 2020 election. The webinar will be conducted through Microsoft Teams: “Recapping the 2020 Election: What Happened and What’s Next. It will be held from 4-5 p.m., Nov. 10.
Two University of Nevada, Reno political scientists who study American politics will discuss the 2020 election results, what is likely to happen between now and January, and the policy and political consequences of one of the most important elections in recent U.S. history. The are:
— Jeremy Gelman, assistant professor of political science at University of Nevada, Reno
— Christina Ladam, assistant professor of political science at University of Nevada, Reno
— Ian Hartshorn, moderator; assistant professor of political science at University of Nevada, Reno
Questions during the webinar may be submitted through the chat function during the virtual event.
• As the pandemic unfolds, we are learning that chronic effects may persist regarding neurobiological and psychiatric impact of COVID-19 infection. Presented by Roseman University of Health Sciences, this webinar at 11 a.m., Nov. 17, will provide an overview of depression, including the neurobiological basis, symptomatology, treatment modalities and risk factors for suicide.
As the pandemic unfolds, we are learning that chronic effects may persist regarding neurobiological and psychiatric impact of COVID-19 infection. This webinar will provide an overview of depression, including the neurobiological basis, symptomatology, treatment modalities and risk factors for suicide. Considerations for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be explored, including neurobiological implications and symptom manifestations.
Finally, a brief look at vicarious trauma in health care will be discussed with an emphasis on primary prevention through the lens of symptom identification and management.
This webinar will cover the following three objectives:
— Provide an overview of depression, including neurobiology, symptoms, treatment and suicide risk factors.
— Review current research on neurobiological and mental health manifestations of COVID-19.
— Introduce vicarious trauma in health care with an emphasis on symptom management and primary prevention.
Presenters are:
— Dr. Michelle Vo, assistant clinical professor university of Utah department of psychiatry
— Dr. Jennifer Mitchell, senior director of clinical strategy and innovation, The Children’s Center
Registration here. Zoom; Link and password to be sent to registrants only
• The UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law has announced it will develop an online training program for operators, regulators, lawyers and others who work in and around the worldwide gaming industry. The mostly asynchronous classes, which will launch during the first and second quarters of 2021, will be created and taught by instructors with decades of professional gaming and teaching experience.
The online courses, funded by a gift from the GVC Foundation U.S., will ultimately consist of eight classes designed to prepare professionals to meet the sophisticated regulatory and operating challenges facing the gaming industry. Students are not required to hold a Juris Doctor degree or first degree of law required to practice law in international markets in order to enroll.
“UNLV Boyd is located in the international capital of gaming and we are delighted to create this program open to all,” said Daniel W. Hamilton, dean of the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law. “Thanks to a gift from the GVC Foundation, gaming professionals around the globe can learn from those who are engaged in cutting-edge research on gaming and regulation.”
As gaming continues to expand across the country and throughout the world, there is an increased need for talented and knowledgeable regulatory and operational professionals. These professional programs complement UNLV Boyd’s existing, and extensive, J.D. gaming curriculum as well as its LL.M. in Gaming Law and Regulation.
“The online courses announced by the UNLV William S. Boyd School of law represent another significant step in the law school’s and industry leaders’ ongoing campaign to prepare professionals to navigate the evolving complexities of the U.S. gaming markets,” said Martin Lycka, trustee of the GVC Foundation U.S. “The GVC Foundation U.S. is proud to sponsor this innovative, online program that closely aligns with our foundation’s focus on responsible gambling, sports integrity and compliance.”
The initial courses to be offered include:
— Introduction to gaming law and regulation taught by Anthony Cabot, Distinguished Fellow in gaming law at the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law.
— Introduction to gaming operations taught by Uri Clinton, who was formerly the president and chief operating officer of MGM Empire City Casino in New York.
— The legal and operational environment for sports betting taught by Keith Miller, Ellis and Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professor of Law at Drake Law School and visiting professor at the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law.
— Player accountability and corporate social responsibility in gaming law taught by Alan Feldman, Distinguished Fellow in Responsible Gaming at the International Gaming Institute at UNLV and Dayvid Figler, attorney and national expert on where criminal justice and gaming intersect.
— Public policy and comparative study of gaming laws and regulations taught by Simon Planzer, PhD, gaming lawyer and Lecturer in Law at the University of St.Gallen (Switzerland).
Those interested in learning more and enrolling can visit the law school’s website, www.unlv.edu, for additional information.