The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors (GLVAR) announced the results of its annual election of officers and board members, with local Realtors Tom Blanchard serving as its 2020 president and Aldo Martinez serving as 2020 president-elect.
GLVAR members voted from Sept. 16-18, electing the following officers and directors to lead Southern Nevada’s largest professional association in 2020:
■ President: Tom Blanchard
■ President-elect: Aldo Martinez
■ Vice president: Mark Sivek
■ Treasurer: Jillian Batchelor
■ Lee Barrett
■ Shawn Cunningham
■ George Kypreos
■ Shanta Patton
■ Merri Perry
Officers and directors not up for re-election who will continue to serve on the board:
■ Immediate past president, Janet Carpenter
■ CEO Wendy DiVecchio
■ Stephanie Grant
■ Randy Hatada
■ Tim Kelly Kiernan
■ Chantel E. Tilley
GLVAR was founded in 1947 and provides its more than 15,000 local members with education, training and political representation.
The local representative of the National Association of Realtors, GLVAR is the largest professional organization in Southern Nevada.
Each GLVAR member receives the highest level of professional training and must abide by a strict code of ethics.
For more information, visit LasVegasRealtor.com.