Las Vegas Realtors announced the results of the association’s annual election of officers and board members, with longtime local Realtors Lee Barrett serving as its 2023 president and Merri Perry serving as 2023 president-elect.
A record number of LVR members voted, electing the following officers and directors to lead Southern Nevada’s largest professional association in 2023:
■ President: Lee Barrett
■ President-elect: Merri Perry (will serve as LVR president in 2024)
■ Vice President: Stephanie Grant
■ Treasurer: Joshua Campa
■ Immediate Past President: Brandon Roberts
■ Chief Executive Officer: Wendy DiVecchio
■ Nancy Anderson
■ Britney Gaitan
■ Geoffrey Lavell
■ Shane Nguyen
■ Bobbie Starr Dust
■ Paul Rich
Directors not up for re-election who will continue to serve on the board:
■ Director Chris Bishop
■ Director Elie Morris
■ Director Geoffrey Zahler
■ Natalie Allred (2024 Commercial Alliance Las Vegas chair)
■ Steven A. Khalilzadegan (2024 MLS Chair)
Las Vegas Realtors (formerly known as GLVAR) was founded in 1947 and provides its more than 17,000 local members with education, training and political representation.
The local representative of the National Association of Realtors, LVR is the largest professional organization in Southern Nevada.