Tracy DiFillippo

▶ Company: Armstrong Teasdale LLP

▶ What do you REALLY do? I am commercial litigator who helps resolve business disputes.

▶ What’s the best part of your job: Learning different expertise outside of the law: medical, banking, construction, insurance, etc. For instance, in a medical malpractice case, you need to learn about the surgery that may have been performed, how it was performed, the complications that may occur, etc.

▶ What accomplishment in the past year are you most proud of: Becoming a board member of my son’s school, Explore Knowledge Academy. I think education is so important. I am able to use my legal and board experience to further the school’s mission and support our educational system in Nevada, where I grew up.

▶ Where’s the best place to network: Any women’s event. Women make networking fun. I love being a part of the Women’s Executive Circle.

▶ Facebook or LinkedIn: LinkedIn, but I really like Twitter.

▶ Favorite off-work activity: Going to boot camp and CrossFit classes at Camp Rhino.

▶ What’s your favorite professional association, community or charitable involvement: Providing pro bono work through the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada.

▶ What do you drive: Ford Escape.

▶ Beer or wine: Wine, Malbec.

▶ What do you want to be doing in 2025: I want to continue to excel in my legal career and continue my community involvement.

▶ What’s the best advice you’ve received: Always treat your staff well and they will go above and beyond for you when you need them. I show my appreciation for staff by making surprise trips to Starbucks or treating them to lunch.

▶ How do you define success: Success is when I can look back and say that I lived life to the fullest with no regrets and helped my family, professional colleagues, friends and members of my community lead a happy and healthy life.

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