One of the signs of a successful business owner is the ability to plan for the future. That includes a strategy covering the eventual sale of a company, bringing in additional investors or family members who want to purchase a more significant stake in the company.
While every business has its own unique set of circumstances, learning about business succession options, mistakes and challenges before being faced with them will make the process smoother and ultimately more valuable for the company.
Bank of Nevada, along with Northern Nevada’s First Independent Bank, is hosting a virtual event: “Succession Planning, How to Prepare & Value Your Business” on May 26 at 2 p.m. Panelists with expertise in business succession planning will offer their insights and personal knowledge to help guide business owners on how to monetize and prepare their business for valuation and what characteristics to look for in a potential buyer. Together, the panelists offer a combined 75 years of experience in business succession planning success.
“While most business owners may have a backup plan for challenges that occur in the course of business, something often overlooked is what happens when the owner who built the company and owned it for decades wants to retire?” said John Guedry, division CEO, Bank of Nevada. “The business succession event is a resource to help business owners start this important conversation and learn what steps they should be taking now to prepare for the future.”
The virtual event is open to any business owner. However, registration is required. Attendees can sign up for the online event at info.bankofnevada.com/succession-planning-2021.
Panelists will include:
• James Main, CPA, CCIFP, CEPA, principal, real estate and construction, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
• Katrina Loftin, CBI, M&AMI, co-founder/managing partner, M&A Business Advisors
• Roe Belzer, vice president, portfolio management, Bank of Nevada
• Bank of Nevada Division CEO John Guedry will serve as the program host.
After a brief introduction, panelists will present insights on several business succession scenarios to help educate attendees on the frequent challenges that can occur, as well as the benefits of starting succession planning early. If time permits, a limited number of questions can be submitted to the panelists via the moderators.
Bank of Nevada, a division of Western Alliance Bank, Member FDIC, helps business clients realize their ambitions. Founded in 1994, Bank of Nevada offers a full spectrum of loan, deposit and treasury management capabilities, plus superior service. With 10 offices in Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas and Mesquite, along with Western Alliance Bank’s powerful array of specialized financial services, the banking division is a valued resource for Southern Nevada’s business, real estate, professional, manufacturing, municipal and nonprofit communities. Western Alliance Bank is the primary subsidiary of Phoenix-based Western Alliance Bancorporation. For more information, visit bankofnevada.com.