Brian Kip is the managing partner at Sofa King Creative. This year he also helped found Lexicon Vegas, a digital marketing conference, which was held a few weeks ago.
Q: What are you reading?
A: Not reading anything, currently, but keeping up with marketing trends and tech blogs. As marketing trends change, so do the way proper marketing companies market. More on a personal note, I enjoy reading and learning about history and find myself from time to time reading and watching documentaries about them.
Q: What is your favorite restaurant? Where do you take clients?
A: Sake Rok at The Park MGM. Sake Rok has been a longtime client and each and every time I go, it always feel like the first time.
Q: What do you do to work out? What is your favorite sport?
A: Cardo at the gym is my favorite workout to do. As far as favorite sport, it would have to be hockey right now. I’ve been a huge sports fan my whole life, but hockey wasn’t one of my top sports growing up. Being raised from the age of 5 here in Las Vegas, I jumped in with both feet, once the announcement (was made about) the Vegas Golden Knights coming to our city! I can proudly say, now, after watching VGK, both in person and on TV, (have only missed a handful of games), I know what icing and offsides means.
Q: How do you decompress after a long week?
A: Playing high-limit cash and tournament poker. Believe it or not, that relaxes me a lot. I try and play as much as possible and prefer to play at the Aria.
Q: What is biggest challenge in Vegas for the next five years?
A: I believe with all the new professional sports teams that Vegas has and the new ones coming, will change the marketing direction of Las Vegas; and will give more Fortune 500 companies and big reason to expand to our city. This will compete with the casino market for tourist visitors in the coming years. Win-win for all.