
Shane Hush, general manager of Cowabunga Bay Las Vegas

Updated June 5, 2017 - 12:00 pm

Shane Hush, general manager of Cowabunga Bay Las Vegas

What are you reading?

I like to mix some serious reading with some relaxing. I just finished “Last Girl before Freeway” by Joan Rivers and I am now deeply engrossed in “A Peoples History of the United States” by Howard Zinn.

Where is your favorite restaurant? Where do you take clients to dinner?

My favorite quick bite is Rubio’s … Damn good fish taco. I take my clients to Triple George Grill. Marty is the best bartender in town! and my guilty pleasure restaurant is Hooters … for the wings, of course.

Where do you work out or play your favorite sport?

Swimming has always been my favorite sport. In my younger days, I was part of the Master’s program and loved doing rough water swims in Coronado and La Jolla. Nowadays, I occasionally swim laps in our wave pool when I do training and certification with our lifeguards.

How do you decompress after a hard week?

In the waterpark business, we don’t measure time in weeks, we measure it in “seasons.” I tend to work daily from March to September so after a long “season,” I like to take a month or two off to travel the world. On my 2018 itinerary is Dubai, Germany and my all-time favorite, Tokyo!

What is the biggest challenge facing Las Vegas in the next five years?

I see the homeless population as a growing concern for our city. I sure would like to see programs developed and funds raised to help resolve this problem…

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