
Metal sculptor Kevin Stone moves studio to Southern Nevada

Canadian native Kevin Stone has moved his artistic business of creating massive-sized metal art sculptures to Southern Nevada, adding to the creative economy. While he has developed a global presence and is well-known in his native Canada, Stone wants to engage with the artistic community of Las Vegas.

Stone started as a tradesman and welder before transitioning into metal sculpture, working in the field for nearly 30 years.

“My wife (Michelle) and I lived in the small farming town Chilliwack, British Columbia, BC, with a population of about 90,000. It is a farming community, and I’m creating these giant sculptures on a farm, building a good reputation, locally for my art. Still, it wasn’t the same as being down somewhere more centrally located in the world,” Stone said.

From a fire-breathing metal dragon in Utah to a large metal door depicting Dolly Parton as a child in Dollywood, Stone has created massive metal sculptures designed to withstand the elements as a legacy for generations to enjoy.

“My pieces are huge; it takes cranes, trucks and permits. Sometimes, they’re so big I need wide load permits to go down the highway. These were all factors that made it very difficult for me to do my art in Canada when most of my clients are here in the United States. I was shipping from Western Canada, and the brokerage fee was expensive going through the border. Then, the trucking and cranes were coming through the border, and the delays and paperwork made my work very complicated,” he added.

Stone and his wife started to make a long-term plan to move their business to the United States. He had been commissioned to create an art piece to be placed in Phoenix, and they considered relocating to Arizona. But after visiting Phoenix, they realized it was not a good fit.

“It just wasn’t what I was looking for, so then we thought, well, maybe Las Vegas would be a good location because of the size and scale of the work I do,” Stone said. “Another factor we took into consideration was when I was building my stuff in Canada, I was exposed to the public in Canada. We are ready to become part of Las Vegas.”

They moved, living in northwest Las Vegas, with their business in an ample warehouse space in North Las Vegas, which a friend and owner of SRS Fabrication recommended.

“It’s worked out well for me to be in this location because North Las Vegas has so many warehouses and industrial suppliers, so it’s been good for me.

Another reason Stone moved to Las Vegas was the ease of buying the materials needed for the business. When he was living in Canada, most of the materials were shipped from the United States, which meant dealing with borders, additional shipping costs and brokerage fees, which increased Stone’s price.

Stone believes the motivation for the pieces commissioned for corporate clients, including Dollywood and Mount Sinai Medical Center, is bringing beauty and art outdoors. The pieces are made in stainless steel with extensive engineering, so they will last for decades.

“It’s a good investment for my clients since when they invest in the pieces that I’m building, they are getting three or four times the value of what I’m delivering, so that’s important,” he said. “These larger-than-life pieces offer everyone a little piece in the art world, especially when they take photos of them and post them.”

“I build some of the biggest sculptures in the world, and it’s just our team of three of me, my wife, Michelle, and Josh Swider,” Stone said.

When Stone first opened the shop, Swider, a Las Vegas local, was one of the first to apply. Swider is self-taught as a welder and fabricator, but he learned quickly and is now part of the team.

Stone said he also wants to mentor young people, teach them, and pass on his 40 years of knowledge. This would include metal shaping, how to operate a business, how to be self-sufficient, and how to think outside the box. As Stone gets older, he wants to have a group of younger people take over the physical work and other aspects of the business.

“We love passing our knowledge and teaching on our YouTube and social media channels. We post every day so people can see the process, and other artists can learn and follow my processes in all our videos,” Stone said. “I do operate a unique business in a target market, and I’m one of the few people in the world that do these types of pieces, and it’s a very rewarding business. I want to be known in the community and create pieces to be installed in Las Vegas.”

An open house for the public will be held at his location at 3011 Coleman St., North Las Vegas, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 8. For more info, visit and follow him on Facebook @ MetalSculptorKevinStone, TikTok @ metalsculptorkevinstone, Instagram @ metal_sculptor_kevin_stone, and YouTube @ metalsculptorkevinstone431.

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