Three Square Food Bank has promoted Dorian Stonebarger and Alice Gonzalez. Stonebarger is the new program director after serving as program manager. Gonzalez is now the benefit services outreach director, having previously been the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) manager. Three Square has also hired Maurice Johnson and Rob Santwer. Johnson is the director of operations, having served as product availability manager at PepsiCo. Santwer is the director of marketing and communications. He worked as creative director at Transmission Inc. He also held positions with R&R Partners and Viacom/BET.
The Ferraro Group has hired Lauren Silverstein as a senior account executive. Silverstein will oversee public relations activities, creating strategic public relations plans and developing and overseeing social media and community outreach campaigns. She will work with such clients as DC Building Group, Fisher &Phillips LLP, Governor’s Office of Economic Development, NAIOP and the Simmons Group. Silverstein joined the public relations industry in 2014, supporting publicity and promotional tactics for a wide variety of clients in the hospitality, entertainment, travel and tourism industries. She has created campaigns to raise money for charities, such as Susan G. Komen of Southern Nevada, The Animal Foundation and Three Square Food Bank.
Smart City Networks has hired Terry Funk as senior director of business development. Funk will lead the company’s expansion to new customers who will benefit from its data-and-voice-management services for events, vendors and show managers. Funk is rejoining the Smart City family, having been the founder and former president of Priority Networks, which provided wired and wireless internet, networking services and telecommunication products to convention facilities across the country. Smart City acquired the company in 2006.