
Boost your business by playing to your strengths — EVENT: July 24

Many business owners I know are passionate about what they do, and they are working really hard, but they’re not always getting the results they’d like, and it often leaves them puzzled and feeling overwhelmed.

I get it. Especially when you’re trying to grow your business. You’re wearing multiple hats and it can seem like there’s just a never-ending list of things you could be doing.

But, that’s exactly what might be holding you back.

Sure, as an owner, you need to be aware of everything that makes your business tick, but youdon’t have to DO it all.

Instead, focus on what you’re really good at and find solutions for the rest. Here are three simple tips on how to do just that.

1. Identify and use your superpowers. We all have multiple strengths that we can call on at any time to help us in our business — these are our superpowers. But the problem is that we’re not always using these optimally. We’re often so busy trying to figure out how to do everything that we don’t allow our superpowers to shine through. In fact, most business owners I know, don’t even recognize some of their own strengths and are missing out on a major opportunity to leverage them.

So, take a step back, consider everything you do in your business and ask yourself, what am I really good at? What comes naturally to me? What tasks or activities can I do without even really thinking about them? Once you recognize these superpower strengths, you can align your work with them, and that’s when the magic starts to happen. You’ll find that you have more energy to invest in creating opportunities that expand the business and grow your bottom line.

2. Delegate, hire or release. Once you identify your superpowers, it’s easy to figure out what you’re not as good at. And yes, it’s OK to not be amazing at everything. Let’s face it, we’re human, we can’t be strong in all areas, particularly in business. And, remember what we said earlier, that trying to do everything is actually holding you back? This is why. When you’re bogged down in work that doesn’t play to your strengths, it can often be draining and stressful. And that’s when the overwhelm and exhaustion kicks in.

It’s time to give yourself a break. Find a solution for all those tasks and activities that aren’t playing to your strengths. That usually means delegating it to your team, hiring an expert if you don’t have a team, or simply releasing it. We all know the 80-20 rule: 80 percent of our business comes from 20 percent of our efforts. So, chances are some of the things you’re doing aren’t even helping your business and it’s time to just let them go. Whether my clients end up delegating, hiring or releasing, the result is invariably the same: they feel lighter, like a weight has been lifted from them. And guess what that means? Newfound energy to focus on what you love to do and you’re strong at.

3. Spend more time in flow. OK, so you’ve identified your strengths and you’ve found a solution for all those activities that don’t play to your strengths. Now, it’s time for some real fun — spending time in flow. Flow is that state of being where time just stands still — where you’re just so absorbed in what you’re doing that you’re simply not conscious of anything else going on around you.

Start noticing when you’re in flow in your work and exactly what you’re doing during that time; and when you’re not in flow, and what you’re doing. Then, maximize time spent in flow and minimize all the other activities. When we spend time in flow, we’re happier and more engaged in our work and we find more meaning in what we do. What do you think that all adds up? More accomplishments and success! Plus, bonus, by spending more time in flow, you’ll be leveraging your superpowers since flow is achieved when our skills and abilities (i.e. our strengths) are a match for the challenge being presented.

Not exactly sure what your superpower strengths are, or you want to learn more? Attend the upcoming workshop, “Increase Your Profitability by Leveraging Your Strengths,” from 5.30-7 p.m., July 24, at The Coop coworking space and meeting rooms at 1925 Village Center Circle, Suite 150.

In this interactive workshop, we’re going to identify each attendee’s top strengths and show them how they can optimize those in their work to reduce stress and get better results in performance, productivity and profitability.

Tickets are free for members of The Coop and $20 for nonmembers, with the nonmember fee donated to the nonprofit, Hearts Alive Village Animal Rescue. Attendees will leave the conversation with tips they can implement immediately and strategies to harness the power of their strengths so they’re happier, more engaged and more successful in their work.

Register here.

Alex Bratty is founder of Happiness @ Work.

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