
Helping small businesses during a pandemic

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused business owners to shift gears and re-evaluate everything about how they sell their products. These unpredictable circumstances, along with the difficulties of maintaining financial stability, leave many entrepreneurs and small businesses to feel as if they’re on their own and uneasy about their professional position in today’s economy.

But it’s in times like these that I choose to focus on the positives of our realities. I believe that these tough times give us a chance to show our true strengths and provide profitable lessons that guide us toward a brighter future for our communities. People need resources.

Professional guidance. Financial support. A friendly face that recognizes and understands the countless years of hard work that has gone into their business. People need to know that they are heard and are important to our community. And they need it all now.

At Chicanos Por La Causa Nevada (CPLC Nevada), one of the leading Hispanic nonprofits in the country, we have made it our mission to create equal opportunities for all business owners, big or small, regardless of background. We have a proven history of providing intelligent and relevant services to the businesses that we work with. And despite the uncertainty of the current environment, you can be certain that we’re here with you every step of the way as we work to navigate through the chaos, together. To help achieve this goal, we’re offering assistance through our Prestamos Lending Division.


Prestamos CDFI LLC is a subsidiary of CPLC Nevada that provides loan products and consulting services to help emerging and established business owners seek proper funding in Southern Nevada. We lend, consult and invest in our clients to achieve our shared goal of success.

Dedicated to our clients, we use our mentorship and expertise to create successful economic developments within communities to help produce business longevity and job creation. We provide small business owners with the resources needed to achieve their business goals through our hands-on consultants and create networking opportunities to better expand your professional reach.


Prestamos offers a vast variety of services but what I find most important is the attention and care we give to each and every one of our clients. We assist businesses by supplying them with comprehensive loans, adept consulting services and financial solutions for all. By issuing comprehensive loans, we’re able to help business owners become financially self-reliant and expand their economic growth. When it comes to traditional lenders, most small/startup businesses are considered too risky to invest in. But with the help of Prestamos, we break that barrier. Our consulting services are made up of a team of experienced individuals who are dedicated to small business success, assisting in areas like marketing, website technical assistance and accounting. Each of these experts wear different hats in order to devote the attention your business deserves; providing you with your own personal team of skilled helpers to produce maximum benefits. And with the development of financial solutions, we help captivate potential investors into funding economically distressed communities to create lasting impacts.

We developed the Prestamos lending division almost a decade ago for one main reason: To offer a sense of hope. And take it from me, I understand how important that hope is. As the daughter of a father who was a small business owner himself, I understand the adversity most small business owners face. From being discriminated against, to being looked at like just a number in the books. I knew in my heart that my mission was to help those facing those same difficulties my father had faced, to help small business owners push through to the pathway of success and use my areas of expertise to make a difference in this world.

I recognize the hesitancy of entrepreneurs. The fear of scammers and the constant worry that there are organizations out there that sound too good to be true. But rest assured that our top priority has, and always will be, the success and comfort of our clients. We at CPLC Nevada appreciate you and all that your business has to offer our communities. We see you. We believe in you. We understand you. And we’re here to help. We look forward to joining you on your continued path of success.

Teresa Miranda is the vice president ofChicanos Por La Causa Nevada’s Prestamos Lending Division.

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