Anderson Business Advisors held an employee appreciation drive-through event May 8.
“Since our employees are working from home, we wanted to do something to thank them for all they do and show them how much we appreciate them.” said Rod Truman, the company’s talent success manger. “We decided to do an employee appreciation drive-through event where they stayed in their cars and we handed out gift bags to each employee.”
Management had employees clock out at 2:30 p.m. that day, and drop by the office at 500 N. Rainbow Blvd. between 2:45 and 3:15 p.m. to pick up their gift bags. There also was balloons, signs and music and bottled water.
One of the owners, Michael Bowman, was there to hand out the bags along with our CEO, David Gass.
“We had a huge response from our employees, and the line of cars went out the parking lot and wrapped around the corner onto Rainbow,” Truman said. “ We gave out 180 gift bags filled with gift cards, snacks and fun things for the employees and their kids. Once they picked up their gift bags they received the rest of the afternoon off with pay. It was a very successful event and we really appreciate all of our dedicated employees here at Anderson and especially the owners of Anderson Business Advisors — Toby Mathis, Clint Coons and Bowman for all that they do for the employees. It really is a Nevada Top Workplace!”