Renewed interest is revitalizing some of our older luxury communities, such as Spanish Trail, Canyon Gate, The Fountains and areas in the historic district.
Recently, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter point. With up to six more rate increases earmarked through the end of the year, homeowners with an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) will likely begin scrambling to convert to fixed-rate loans, while new homebuyers will jump on purchasing a home sooner rather than later to lock-in lower loan rates. Here are a few things homeowners should know about fixed-rates v. ARM.
Inventory supply will continue to be a challenge through 2022. Hybrids continue to be in high demand with gas prices continuing to climb nationally. Trading a vehicle in today’s market, gives the consumer the ability to cash out on the equity derived from higher than usual used car values.
The pandemic tested the strides of record women-owned businesses started during the last decade. Today, women-owned businesses are powering our economy’s historic recovery and delivering some of the strongest rates of job creation and new business applications in American history.
Through an initiative called Operation HOME! a coalition of agencies is assisting people experiencing homelessness with rental assistance and supportive services. A key component to the success of the program is the need to secure ongoing partnerships with property partners, like homeowners, property managers, investors and developers to access affordable vacant units quickly.
The rise of HSAs has come at a time where prescription drug costs continue to increase at an astounding rate. Pharmacy costs represent one of the top health care costs for consumers and for health care plans. Seven percent of Americans pay more than $300 per month for their prescription drugs and 13 percent of Americans experienced having had their prescription drug coverage dropped last year by their health insurer.
Now, that cryptocurrencies are entering the mainstream in financial portfolios, the floodgates have opened! I’ve had more conversations about digital wallet transfers than ever before, just in the first two months of 2022.
Enterprise University is a professional development course series, founded in 2003, that provides no-cost, 90-minute virtual courses on a broad range of topics, including human resources, marketing, finance and business leadership.
While you have probably heard a wide range of methods that industry professionals use to foresee a market downturn, the most accurate predictor of market behavior that I have seen in my nearly two decades of selling homes is months’ supply.