When purchasing a new home, buyers don’t generally think of the role marketing may have played in their decision, but it’s exactly that “make magic behind the scenes” mentality that makes Tri Pointe Homes marketing team tick.
It takes extraordinary talent, knowledge, creativity, charisma, insight and just the right amount of perseverance to build a personalized relationship with prospective homebuyers through an online chat box, emails and texts.
Tri Pointe Homes’s process, part “science” of tried-and-true procedures, and part “art” of extraordinary customer care, ensures its team members are with buyers every step of the way.
Tri Pointe Homes is about providing a premium homebuying experience, and the Design Studio is an important part of that experience.
To say that Klif Andrews, division president of Tri Pointe Homes Las Vegas, is bullish on the homebuilding industry and the homebuying market is an understatement.
As part of its commitment to serve its workforce in Southern Nevada, Station Casinos offers assistance for its Team Members to gain their U.S. citizenship.
Sales training can be one of the best investments any sales organization can make.
My goal is to recruit and retain top talent, treating them how I want to be treated as a professional.
Denis Druta has been promoted to logistics manager at MC Carrier LLC.