By Stephanie Annis Special to the Las Vegas Business Press
A cosmetic surgeon wants to do something to help Las Vegas, his adopted hometown, replace its Sin City image with a new iumage — that of a growing tech center.
By Ann Friedman Special to the Las Vegas Business Press
The parent company of Plato’s Closet, Once Upon A Child, Play It Again Sports, Music Go Round and Style Encore — is eyeing Las Vegas for its next major market expansion.
Las Vegas Business Press
Maverick Helicopters, a tour and charter company founded 20 years ago, celebrated the grand opening of its $5 million Las Vegas terminal with a party Nov. 19.
By Stephanie Annis Special to the Las Vegas Business Press
Mike PeQueen is the managing director and partner at HighTower Las Vegas, an investment firm helping thousands of clients invest millions of dollars.
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