Small-business owners often spend a good deal of time strategizing how to stay ahead of the competition and grow their market share.
Sometimes it’s about the look, sometimes it’s about the image, and sometimes it’s just about doing business.
Yes, it’s Girl Scout Cookie time, and although there are a dozen flavors from which to choose, for many cookie lovers it means just one thing: Thin Mints are back!
Southern Nevada’s taxi industry continues to deal with the black eye of long-hauling, the illegal practice of taking a passenger in a cab on a longer route than necessary to generate a larger fare.
The word ‘franchise’ often reminds us of restaurant chains, department stores, courier services and many more. Franchising is a method of distributing products or services under a brand.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is one of the few governmental agencies in the Las Vegas Valley (other than the police) that may knock on your door unexpectedly without an employee or competitor alerting it to a possible violation.
Retail is back with vengeance in Las Vegas as companies are snatching up properties and redeveloping existing locations across the valley.
What’s the secret to hiring and retaining the top talent in Las Vegas? Beanbag chairs, the kind you can fall asleep in. Having a 70-inch television, Playstation4 and bar and kitchen in the office doesn’t hurt either.
Upon entering Trend Nation’s offices, you’re greeted by the company’s chief security officer, Howie, a bichon frise-Yorkshire terrier mix. And it becomes clear that the office environment has its own personality.
Quincy Branch has moved quickly to build on the bachelor’s degree in business management he received from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2000.